LinksSoapbox Link Support FIRE. FIRE is a nonprofit educational foundation devoted to free speech, individual liberty, religious freedom, the rights of conscience, legal equality, due process, and academic freedom on our nation's campuses. You're not afraid of any of these things are you? Remember, daylight does wonders for stupid ideas.
Photographers' Web Sites
My good friend Bill Mueller and I have photographed and exhibited together for years. You'll like his images.
Yuichi Sakano is digital photographer with a wonderful eye and a refreshing web site that is full of surprises. You may not be able to read all of the text, but you'll like his work.
If you like really good b&w work, I can highly recommend the photographs of Ichiro Koide. Be sure to check out the "Quite Swamp" series.
Mibu Taira has a web site called Transiency. He recommended the Tokyo Sketch Series to me and he was right! Absolutely intriguing photography in b&w and color.
Kim Brown has always been a good source anytime I needed information or advice related to photography. He has some excellent black and white work on his new site.
Ann McDonald is another photographer friend with an excellent eye. If you get tired of looking at mine your might try Ann's, it's very different.
Links Especially for Photographers
Tools for Photographers includes a few things that photographers might find helpful in doing their own work. The Caprock Photographers' eJournal attempts to keep local photographers informed about happenings in the region. Also take a look at Caprock Photographers' Useful Links for Photographers.
Photographers in the southern plains of Texas may be interested in the Armadillo Camera site. Armadillo is a very reliable source of supplies and color processing.
Local Art and Photography Groups
There are a number of resources in the Post and Lubbock, Texas area. Caprock Photographers is an organization of photographers dedicated to improving their own work as well as promoting photography as fine art. The Underwood Center for the Arts is an impressive organization with a great multipurpose facility and lots of exhibit space. The Caprock Cultural Association is a good source of information regarding art, artists and cultural activities in the Post area. The Lubbock Art Alliance performs the same function in the city of Lubbock. Both organizations have galleries. Photography is also frequently exhibited at the International Cultural Center on the Texas Tech Campus and at the Buddy Holly Center.
All Text and Images © Joe Miller, 2007
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